Relaxation and Internal Cleansing
Hydrotherapy has long been used to balance the body in a variety of health concerns. The various application of water to the body can have a remarkably positive impact on internal functioning of the body. The treatments are very safe and time-tested to aid in recovery and to balance organ function.
We are so sure of the relaxing and healing properties of constitutional hydrotherapy that we include one complimentary treatment as part of your initial intake!
Types of Hydrotherapy We Offer

Constitutional Hydrotherapy
Relax, Unwind, and Heal!
Constitutional hydrotherapy is an ancient and superb treatment modality. Its use as a healing tool is well-documented. The use of contrasting water temperatures coupled with a very mild micro-current application stimulates the body's circulation and reinvigorates the body in its efforts to return to health and maintain it. It is an excellent treatment as part of any health and wellness program. The treatment is approximately 1 hour and requires no preparation other than bringing clothing you don't mind getting a little wet.
Many people experience profound relaxation during and after the treatment and improved feeling of wellness from the treatment.
We are so sure of its value in setting up a healing environment in the body that we include a complimentary treatment with your initial treatment program!

coming soon -
Colon Hydrotherapy
Health from the inside-out
Colon hydrotherapy is a very important treatment for jumpstarting any metabolic disorder of the body. it is a gentle way to clear out old waste that may become trapped over time. This trapped waste provides breeding grounds for unfriendly bacteria and yeasts to take up residence. The health implications are many in such a situation.
Colon hydrotherapy is also a much gentler way to prep for your routine colonoscopy! Forget the aggressive and uncomfortable colon purgatives typically prescribed and book a series of 3 gentle colon hydrotherapy treatments instead!
How it works:
A very brief exam is done to ensure your safety with the treatment
The treatment consists of introducing low pressure, high volume, temperature controlled water into the colon through a tube inserted a short distance into the rectum.
As water fills the colon, it gently expands the tissues freeing trapped waste matter allowing it to be safely removed from the body. The expansion of the colon re-tones the musculature and helps the body in forming proper bowel movements.
Release of the water is simple and is no more challenging that relaxing for urination or a regular bowel movement.
​The treatment only takes approximately 45 minutes
You will be fully covered during the treatment and only brief exposure of the "area of interest" is needed for the exam, initiation and termination of treatment.
Most people feel very light and energized following a treatment. It is recommended that a series of 4-6 colon hydrotherapy treatments be done to maximize effectiveness.
Ready to kickstart your healing with hydrotherapy? Get in touch with us to book your appointment today!
Depending upon the type of treatment you are getting here are some suggestions:
Constitutional Hydrotherapy - This treatment is done on the skin of the torso and back so you will likely just need a bottom that you don't mind getting a little wet. Many people choose to bring a bathing suit to change into for the treatment. Rest assured that you will never be exposed and we keep our treatment rooms at a very comfortable temperature
Colon Hydrotherapy - It's best to wear something comfortable to your colonic treatment. You will be given a gown to change into and asked to remove the clothing from your lower body. Only the necessary area will be exposed for treatment. The room will be kept at a comfortable temperature throughout the treatment.
This question frequently comes up for first-timers to colonic irrigation therapy.
Eat lightly and drink plenty of water the day before your treatment
It will generally be better if you haven't eaten at least 1 hour prior to treatment for your comfort
Having a normal bowel movement prior to the treatment can be beneficial but is not necessary since the treatment focuses on that very thing!
Expect to bare you behind to the doctor but know that you will be covered and comfortable throughout the treatment
As with any treatment there are risks.  Colon hydrotherapy has proven over many years to be safe, gentle and effective. Some important contraindications do exist.  For instance, if you have active ulcerations or infections colon hydrotherapy is not for you due to risk of further damage to the colon.